Meet the Lesaffre Tech Team – Steve Massey

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Steve Massey
If you ask Steve Massey to describe his job, he’ll tell you it’s “Helping bakers improve quality or find an answer to correct an on-going issue they are having… And living on an airplane.”
As busy as the job is, he still finds time for all his favorite activities, like boating, ATV riding, hunting, fishing, and camping (see picture below). With the mix of a rewarding job and hobbies, maybe that’s why his life motto is, “If life was any better, I couldn’t stand it!”
As a graduate of the American Institute of Baking-Manhattan, Steve has been a part of the Lesaffre tech team since 2012. But he’s been in bakery production since 1975! That’s 42 years, folks. At one of the bakeries where he worked, he helped grow production and improve quality by 400%!
In all his years in the baking industry, Steve has learned a lot, such as the importance of sharing information with other bakers, and how to make killer dinner rolls for family functions. But the most important thing he’s learned is that things change in a bakery on a day-to-day basis, what works today…may not work tomorrow.
Want to learn a little more about Steve?
If you could bake with any person (past or present) who would that be and why? My Dad… he was a baker as well.
What is your favorite type of bread? Sourdough.
What is your pet’s name? Reba. She’s a Sheba/Pug mix.
The perfect pizza – choose one
Sicilian – the deeper the better!
Chicago style- stuffed pizzas surrounded by crust
New York – hand tossed thin crust
Thin crust – crispy, crunch and yummy